Razor Emporium
1946-47 Gillette Aristocrat Double Edge Razor Factory Nickel Revamp
1946-47 Gillette Aristocrat Double Edge Razor Factory Nickel Revamp
Available to you is a wonderful revamped Gillette Aristocrat dating from 1946-47 WWII era. It was polished and plated in nickel by our team of razor experts. The new look, which gives a spectacular durability, is authentic to Gilllette's finishes and you will love it for decades to come! Twist to open functions smoothly, and the doors open and close easily just as they should!
This razor has gone through our complete Revamp restoration process- including polishing, mechanical adjustment, plating and lubrication.
Country of Manufacture: USA
Type: Double Edge Razor
Finish: Factory Nickel
Date: 1946-47
Condition: Sanitized and Shave Ready
Grade: Revamped
Imperfections: corrosion too deep on corner of door to be removed during polishing, discounted accordingly
Included: Razor
History: The Gillette Aristocrat was the longest running series in Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor history. It was an upscale model the entire time - always a staple of the nicest design, packaging, plating, handle treatment and shaves from Gillette. IT'S LONG HISTORY CAN BE READ ABOUT HERE